Chapter 224 long-lived daughter

"The spring Banquet, a cup of green wine and a song. First wish for your husband to live for a thousand years, second wish for your wife to be healthy, third wish to be like the swallow on the Liang, to see you again years after years."

Lin Hanxing said coldly. His soft voice was the most soul-stirring.

What she wrote was "the longevity girl: Spring Banquet"!

But almost at the same time, Yuan shaojing suddenly raised his head, his eyes locked on her face!

"Who are you to her?"

Every word that this girl said was like a knife stabbing into his heart, so painful that he couldn't even breathe.

At this moment, if there was anyone who could not see the difference, they would really be a fool.

Even the frivolous Yan beixiao stopped laughing, his eyes darting back and forth between Lin Hanxing and Yuan shaojing.

Lin Hanxing just stood there. Even though Yuan shaojing was on the verge of losing control, she was still expressionless.