Who took it away?

The car that Yan Beichen had returned to her had been painted red beyond recognition.

Lin Hanxing was playing with his phone lazily, as if he didn't notice that the infrared monitor above his head was pointing at him.

Pointing the camera at Lin Hanxing, the security guard crossed his legs and looked at the screen. Anyway, she was not going to enter this door today!

Who asked her to offend someone!

As she was thinking, she saw Lin Hanxing, who had been looking elsewhere, slowly raise his head on the surveillance screen.

She's really pretty!

Just as this thought flashed in the Guard's mind, the coldness was like a basin of cold water in winter, pouring down on his head!

On the surveillance screen, Lin Hanxing was smiling at the camera.

It was lazy and evil, and it could penetrate people's hearts!

It was as if she had already seen through everything, but it also seemed to be a deep warning to him!