Meeting Bai Xi again

Black market.

The black market was bustling at night.

With the bar Street in Jiang city as a cover, many things that couldn't be exposed in the day gathered here.

Lin Hanxing walked forward with elegant steps on his five-inch high heels.

Lei Xiao followed behind her expressionlessly.

In the corner of the dark alley, countless respectful gazes fell on him.

The Thunder valiant beast made a hand gesture discreetly, and the other party received it and continued to hide in the darkness.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the most famous bar in the center of the black market and stopped.

At this time, the bar was in an uproar. The regular customers who were blocked by a row of Men in Black outside the door were shouting.

The leader who blocked the door of the bar looked fierce and expressionless.

Half an hour ago, it was this person who had led a group of men in Black to chase away all the customers in the bar and even blocked the front and back doors!