Little cold star, am I handsome?

Exclamations came from the Lin family's main entrance!

The carved door was pushed open by a force from the outside.

A group of men in Black suits appeared aggressively. They were expressionless and muscular, like an iron wall. No one could figure out their background or purpose!

But it was enough to make people scared!

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the group of black-clothed men who had appeared out of nowhere.

He didn't even care about the cries of the Luo family.

The group of men in Black suits guarded the important positions at the door, blocking all the Lin family's servants outside. Then, they neatly divided into two teams and stood face to face, making way for the center!

In the next second, they bowed respectfully in unison.

The atmosphere seemed to have turned strange in an instant!

Very quickly, everyone's gazes were deeply attracted by the three people who walked out from the middle of the road!