Shout out if you're in trouble

It was only when she saw Lin Hanxing finish the entire bowl of red dates, white fungus, and lotus seeds that she happily carried the empty bowl downstairs.

On the other hand, Yan beixiao hugged a pillow and rolled on the new sofa, unwilling to leave.

"I'll go to the study."

Lin Hanxing raised his fair face and looked at Lei Xiao, then stood up and left.

The Thunder valiant beast's gaze followed her until she disappeared completely.

&Quot; tsk, second young master he is such an idiot. &Quot;

Yan beixiao was holding his phone, his eyes fixed on a certain marketing account. It was also this person who had first started spreading false rumors about little Hanxing's appearance being uglier than no salt's, her Fat Brain, her weird appearance, and her hateful face.

This marketing account was set up by the he Corporation for their own entertainment company, and it was public news in the circle.