Good intentions

After Lei Xiao changed into his pajamas and went to the other side of the bed, Lin Hanxing, who was 'sleeping', rolled into his arms.

"Cold star ..."

The Thunder valiant beast's body tensed up.

Lin Hanxing closed his eyes and did not say a word. He just buried his face in his neck.

"Idiot ..."

After a long time, she mumbled this.

Lei Xiao's hand, which was suspended in mid-air, slowly lowered, and he pulled Lin Hanxing into his arms.

His body relaxed.

His thin lips moved to the space between her eyebrows and he kissed her gently.

"Good night," she said.


In the bedroom on the other side.

Father Lei had just come out of the bathroom.

"He said it all?"

Lei kangnian looked at his stupid wife, who was lying on the bed and watching TV on her iPad, and sighed.

Zhong Nanyin had obviously turned a deaf ear to his words.

She took a piece of tissue from the bed and sobbed.