Chapter 613-pestering

&Quot; miss, the invitation. &Quot;

Very quickly, someone walked over.

Lin Hanxing handed the silver-gray invitation over.

The other party was stunned when he saw the color, and when he looked up at her again, his eyes were subtle.

Lin Hanxing noticed the change, but he did not say anything.

&Quot; there will be someone in charge of receiving miss Lin. Please wait a moment. &Quot;

Not long after he said that, a man who looked like an assistant walked towards them.

"Miss Lin, right? This way, please!"

The assistant's attitude was very solicitous, but his eyes could not hide the fact that he was secretly sizing her up.

Lin Hanxing stopped in his tracks and looked at him.

That pair of beautiful eyes were cold and indifferent, and no emotion could be seen.

The assistant smiled in embarrassment.

Before he could say anything, a woman's scream suddenly came from behind him.

"Lin xiaojiu!"