I told you not to touch her

Zhan Nanheng's eyes were dark as he thought.

Under the soft light, her seaweed-like soft hair covered the side of her face, faintly revealing her ivory white skin and the small mole at the corner of her eye. It made people's hearts soften.

Zhan Nanheng moved his fingers subconsciously, trying to brush Lin Hanxing's hair away.

However, just as he lifted his head, a thick shadow had already descended!

His wrist was instantly controlled by a strong force, and an intense pain hit him.

"I said, don't touch her!"

A low, hoarse, and gloomy voice sounded, with a strong sense of dark and fierce ice, without any room for negotiation!

Zhan Nanheng raised his head and met Lei Xiao's gaze.

The situation seemed to be triggered at the first touch ...


Lin family villa.

The baby's cries continued.

The atmosphere in the villa had been gloomy since the funeral yesterday.