Why do you have to go against me?

"Miss Lin."

Just as Lin Hanxing was about to get into the car, Lu Jiashu's voice sounded behind him.

Lin Hanxing's hand was still on the car door.

The autumn wind blew, and the ginkgo trees in the courtyard rustled down.

Lin Hanxing closed the car door and turned around to look at Lu Jiashu amidst the yellow leaves.

Lu Jiashu was slightly dazed.

Even though he knew that the woman in front of him was definitely not as easy to bully as she looked, he could not help but be bewitched by her beauty.

"Mr. Lu."

Lin Hanxing had a pleasant smile on his face, and the dimples at the corners of his mouth were faintly visible.

However, in Lu Jiashu's eyes, it felt inexplicably cold.

"Why do you have to go against me?"

Lu Jiashu took a step forward and deliberately lowered his voice to give people a strong sense of oppression.

"Mr. Lu, why do you say that?"

Didn't he like to play dumb and go in circles?

Why? Can't sit still?

Lin Hanxing chuckled.