What relic?

There was already a huge commotion on Weibo.

The topic went from whether the two were truly in love to Lin xiaojiu's science post.

The public's deepest impression of Lin xiaojiu was her bizarre experience of being found after 18 years of being kidnapped and missing.

Until now, she had never officially shown her face in public.

However, there were many rumors about her in Jiang city.

Now that she had a relationship with Lei Xiao, how could they not be curious about her?

Strawberry ice cream: " I really think this Lin xiaojiu is very mysterious! &Quot;

She had been missing for 18 years and could cause a storm the moment she returned. She always felt that this woman was not simple!

Just as the netizens were discussing this ...

A certain action of the verified account " entertainment circle or not " suddenly set off a new wave.

He liked the Weibo comment of the netizen named " sometimes Nanfeng "!