I hate the feeling of being threatened

After making sure that no one was around, she pushed the door open.

Without a sound.

The silver moonlight shone on the floor, giving off an indescribable sense of mystery.

Lin Jiaojiao's footsteps were very light, as if she was very familiar with this kind of thing.

She quickly came to Luo Ruyin's bedside and stood still.

He lowered his head and looked at Luo Ruyin, who was sleeping on his bed without any defense.

Yingluo, I'm telling you, either you listen to me obediently, or I'll tell little aunt and let you get nothing!

Lin Jiaojiao's face was expressionless, but Luo Ruyin's threatening words appeared in her mind.

This cousin of hers had been brainless since she was young.

He would do something out of control if he was incited by the people around him.

As she thought about this, Lin Jiaojiao sneered silently, and a deep sneer flashed in her eyes.

No one knew how much she hated the feeling of being threatened!