Blessing, disaster

It was as if she couldn't believe her eyes. Even her facial features under the mask began to twist.

He looked at the thing, then looked up at Lin Hanxing.

This repeated a few times, but Lin Hanxing could still hear Yuan susu taking in a few cold breaths.

"This ..."

Yuan susu felt like she had just discovered a huge secret, and her heart started to beat wildly.

Knock, knock, knock ...

Lin Hanxing's fingers tapped on the table, his eyes and brows were indifferent.

"Is this true?"

Yuan susu couldn't tell if she was feeling happy or complicated, and her eyes were trembling.

"As long as we make good use of it, does it matter if it's real or fake?"

Lin Hanxing chuckled as he spoke. It seemed like he was mocking her, but it also seemed normal.

Yuan susu didn't reply.

Just as Lin Hanxing had said, it did not matter whether it was true or not. What was important was how to use it!

Perhaps she was too happy, but she felt as if she was floating.