Why should I be afraid?

Shen Shu 'er seemed to have gone crazy.

Her son was gone. The son that could allow her to gain a foothold in the Lin family was gone!

He was still so young, how could she do it!

Shen Shu 'er completely lost her mind due to her anger and worry about her future. She was convinced that since it was found in Lin xiaojiu's room, she must have something to do with it!

Looking at Lin xiaojiu's crazed appearance, everyone broke out in a cold sweat.

Lin youlin sneered in her heart.

He wished that Shen Shu 'er would be of some use and let Lin xiaojiu have a taste of what it was like to suffer.

But reality gave Lin youlin a tight slap in the face.

Before Shen Shu 'er could get close to Lin Hanxing, she was already blocked by Jiang Xibao, who was extremely strong, and kept a safe distance from him.

"You want me to pay with my life?"

Lin Hanxing's lips curled into a faint smile as if he had heard a funny joke.