Dividing women into three classes

She really liked him!

From the first time she saw him, she had liked him!

However, before he could get close to Lei Xiao, his wrist was caught by a strong force!

Half of his body was being pulled uncontrollably.

"Ah ..."

Han mingmei yelped in pain and was caught off guard.

"Are you worthy?"

The Thunder valiant beast's voice exploded in the air like muffled Thunder.

Han mingmei's expression changed when she heard that.

However, what she was most concerned about was the huge pressure coming from her wrist.

It was as if someone was using a saw to saw her hand.

"You said she's not worthy, but are you?"

At that moment, han mingmei forgot to struggle and just looked up at Lei Xiao.

His eyes were cold and indifferent, which she had long been used to.

However, today, there was a different kind of sarcasm mixed in with that coldness.

"You said that Hanxing wants my power and money, if that's the case ..."