Do you dare to compete with me?

"Move!" He shouted.

Obviously, han mingmei did not expect someone to suddenly appear and stop her.

"I told you to move, did you hear me?!"

His voice was so loud that even the group of rich Playboys looked over.

Seeing this, Lin Hanxing's lips curled up.

Without a sound.

She had already noticed it when han mingmei was chatting with ah Xiao earlier.

She did not know what ah Xiao had said to her to make han mingmei lose her composure.

&Nbsp; interesting.

Zhao Xijing kept looking at Lin Hanxing.

There was an inexplicable sense of danger and fear in his heart.

He couldn't help but feel lucky that he still had what she wanted. If he became enemies with such a person ...

The consequences would be unimaginable!

Lin Hanxing did not bother about han mingmei for the moment.

He just turned his gaze back to Zhao Xijing, his eyes clear and bright.

His fingers casually fiddled with the arrow that Su Ling 'er had placed on the table.