She had never put anyone in her eyes

Lin Hanxing gave her a sidelong glance.

Her red dress was like fire.

The light on her face was intimidating, and her delicate little face made others unconsciously hold their breath.

Everyone's eyes were involuntarily attracted to her face.

"I'm just following auntie's orders to bring back the Lin family's face."

His words were cold and distant.

Lin youlin couldn't say anything for a while!

She actually used her own words to stop her?

"You ... You dare!"

Mother Zhao covered her face and widened her eyes in disbelief.

The Zhao family's thugs were all around her, and she actually dared to use force on her?

"Why wouldn't I dare?"

Lin Hanxing's voice was unusually cold when he heard mother Zhao's words. There was a clear hint of mockery in his eyes.

"If you have the ability, why don't you try hitting me again?"

Mother Zhao was not willing to be suppressed by this little girl!