Robbed clean

There was a crash.

Lei Xiao wrapped a white towel around Lin Hanxing, who was leaning against him and sleeping, and carried him up.

He walked out of the bathroom naked, full of energy.

He placed her on the bed.

She casually took a set of pajamas and placed them on the bed. She knew that it was the pajamas her mother had prepared for Lin Hanxing.

Her new pajamas had been washed in the water.

The red silk was exceptionally soft, like water. One touch and one could tell that it was expensive.

At this moment, it was sticking to Lin Hanxing's body, making her white skin, which had just taken a hot bath, look even more delicate.

He reached out to push aside the slightly curly long hair on her face.

Looking at Lin Hanxing's defenseless sleeping face, Lei Xiao sighed in his heart.

Han Xing, who was slow to understand the affairs between men and women, obviously hadn't realized that Shangguan shixiu hadn't come to her to seal her mouth, but to like her.