A crisis is a turning point

"Don't panic,"

"If it were you, what would you choose?"

Zhan Nanheng raised his head, his eyes burning.

She was so powerful that it was as if she had everything under control.

He wanted to hear what she would do if it were her.

"I've already told you my answer."

Lin Hanxing rested one hand on the sofa's armrest. In his seemingly lazy posture, there was a sense of strategic planning.

&Quot; we can only find out the truth when we return to country G. &Quot;

Zhan Nanheng met her eyes. She had used the word 'we' just now, which instantly gave his flustered heart someone to rely on.

&Quot; you didn't want to be involved with the royal family before because your identity was too awkward, and you were threatened. &Quot;

Lin Hanxing said as he casually fiddled with the ring on his finger.

&Quot; but now, because of the change in the situation, you have become the most special and critical existence. &Quot;