Life is short

Thunder valiant beast looked at her outstretched hand.

The weather was very good today, and even Han Xing's little hand that was reaching out to him seemed to be coated with a layer of warm light.

She was waiting for him.

She was waiting for him to hold her hand.

Thunder valiant beast's slender fingers moved slightly, but he didn't raise them for a long time.

Lin Hanxing did not rush him. He just smiled and waited patiently, just like how he had waited for him for a long time.

After a long time.

The Thunder valiant beast finally covered her palm with his large palm.


Lin Hanxing grabbed it without thinking.

"Here, remember, this is your wife's hand!" He said.

When facing Lei Xiao, she returned to her soft and cute voice. No one could imagine that this was the culprit who had turned the major families of Jiang city upside down.

"You can't hold anyone else's hand other than me ..."

"Did you hear that?"