Blood letters in the palm

On the White palm, the blood characters formed by Zhong Wan 'er's blood were exposed to the morning light.

It was an L!

Lin Hanxing looked at the words in his palm coldly.

The signal Zhong Wan 'er had left with great effort at the last moment of her life must be very important. But what did this L mean? could it be related to the mastermind behind the scenes in the capital ...

It was really hard to grasp.

Moreover, Lin Hanxing believed that this was a trap set by Zhong Wan 'er for the Lin family before she died.

In that kind of situation at that time, except for ah Xiao and Zhong Wan 'er herself, no one would know what the content in her palm was.

To the Lin family, who already harbored evil intentions, this was no different from a fatal blow.

The unknown was the most terrifying!

Not to mention, his opponent was Lin xiaojiu!

This was Zhong Wan 'er's ultimate revenge on the entire Lin family!