We're all her dogs

Lin Jiaojiao let the coarse taste of nicotine linger on her lips and tongue.

Lin Hanxing remained silent.

Her long, slightly curly hair, which had been carefully tidied up by mother Lei, spread in the wind, and the whispers around her seemed to drown everything.

Dickens had once written that the best manners were not to be a busybody.

However, in today's fast-paced society, most people could not maintain such courtesy.

"But I'm different. I'm not willing to accept this."

Lin Jiaojiao sighed.

She wanted to be a person, a person with a straight back.

"On the first day you returned to the Lin family, I was the one who incited Luo Ruyin to cause you trouble."

Lin Jiaojiao and Lin Hanxing looked at each other as she spoke.

"I'm also involved in Luo Ruyin's collusion with Lu Jiashu,"

"There are still many things ..."

Lin Jiaojiao took a puff of the cigarette. The smell was too strong and it went into her lungs. For a moment, she had the urge to cough.