How can you do this to me?

After getting out of the car, the economic investigators were clearly relieved to see that it was Lei Xiao.

As he walked into the building, he briefly described what had happened.

From her exhausted expression, it was clear that han mingmei had given them a hard time.

"We really don't have any other way."

The other party smiled bitterly.

"I might have a way."

Lin Hanxing, who had been silent all this while, suddenly spoke.

The man looked at her.

The other party obviously knew that Lin Hanxing was the subject of heated discussion in Jiang city, and his eyes were filled with curiosity.

"But it's a little rough, but at least it's better than this."

Lin Hanxing allowed the other party to size him up as he was already used to the curious gazes from strangers.

"By rough, you mean ..."

Hearing these two words, the detective hesitated.

Lin Hanxing smiled but did not say anything.

Soon, the three of them reached the end of the corridor.