We meet again, second Princess

The night was dark.

When the bronze gate of the palace opened, a corner of the flamboyant snowlan royal family was lifted.

The combination of the local characteristics of snowlan city and the architectural style of the Spanish al-Ambra Palace made the entire Palace look majestic and luxurious.

It was supposed to be bedtime.

However, with the appearance of a group of people, the lights were back on.

"You bastard."

The second Princess Consort and her entourage walked quickly towards the Parliament Hall. Ever since she received the news, she had been in a state of uncontrollable anger, and even her eyes had a rare ferocity.

She had used it for many years to make the hundred herbs shop the only exclusive one in the entire Xuelan province that could provide medicinal herbs to the Imperial Palace.

These were the benefits of real gold and silver!

When he was at odds with the first wangfei, who would dare to cut off his source of income ...