Carry the whole game

Ten minutes later.

The strong men, who had been so aggressive a moment ago, were piled on the ground like a human pyramid, screaming endlessly.

Jiang Xibao patted the dust off his palm in front of everyone's shocked eyes.

He had easily carried the entire game and won the MVP of this battle!




The originally lively bar was dead silent at this time. Everyone watched as Jiang Xibao turned around and seemed to find the coffee table beside his legs an eyesore. He reached out and easily lifted the coffee table, which was difficult for an adult man to move, and moved it to the side.




&Quot; what should I do? I'm starting to wonder who will abuse the other if little Xi Bao and Liang yuran quarrel ... &Quot;

After Yan beixiao finished speaking, he and Yuan Kang looked at each other ...

The two of them suddenly shivered in the corner of their eyes!