Chapter 1343-Gong Ming

The night was dark.

A villa in the suburbs was brightly lit.

After the roar of the engine, a red Porsche suddenly stopped.

The car door opened, and song Zhiyun got out with a gloomy face.

She had never expected that person to be so bold as to secretly run back to country g and return to Xuelan at the same time!

He suppressed his anger and entered the password. The moment the door opened, song Zhiyun rushed in like a mad man!

After passing through the long corridor, she soon saw the man sitting on the sofa and drinking red wine leisurely!

"Who told you to come back!"

Song Zhiyun growled at the man and even threw the chain bag in his hand at the man's face!

The other party reached out and caught it!

"Why are you so angry?"

The other party laughed sarcastically. He threw his bag on the ground, got up, and walked over to song Zhiyun to hug her!

"Gong Yun!"