You can't, but I can

Lin Hanxing sat firmly on the main seat, his eyes were calm and cold like water, and from afar, he gave off an absolutely majestic aura!

&Quot; since you can't change the unfavorable premise for the yuan family, who can stop the senanda family's ambition and territory expansion to control the sugar industry? "

Even with the first shocking statement as the foundation, the board members who had just caught their breath coughed their lungs out again when they heard this!

She spoke ...

Can you not be so direct?

No one dared to make a sound!

"It seems like no one can answer my second question."

Lin Hanxing lazily leaned back in the leather chair.

No one dared to look him in the eye!

&Quot; these two questions are the most serious and unsolvable questions for Yuan Corporation. I believe that no one here has any objections to this, right? "

Still, no one spoke. Only this time, the previously indignant and impassioned Board of Directors finally calmed down!