Reappearing in the world (1)

The second Prince had quietly arrived at the suburbs of snoworchid. The most historic bank under the senanda family was standing there quietly.

The bank building was originally left behind during the old colonial period, so it was quite a blend of Western and Nanyang colors, exuding an old taste everywhere.

It was the first Bank owned by the senanda family!

It was also the beginning of the senanda family's glory!

However, second Prince farrick was not in the mood to enjoy the scenery. He quickly walked into the bank.

"Get lost, you old thing!"

When he passed by the door, an old beggar rolled in front of him and rubbed against farick's leather shoes, which immediately made him furious.

With an "oh no," the old beggar rolled back into the shadows as he had come.

This short interlude didn't affect farick's boiling blood. Thinking about the big thing he was going to do next, he couldn't wait.