Holding your hand is like holding my entire life

As he said that, Lin Hanxing's phone on the table rang. It was a video call invitation from Madam Lei.

Lin Hanxing subconsciously reached out to cover Lei Xiao's thin lips.

"You're not allowed to tell mom!"

Lin Hanxing only let go of Lei Xiao when he blinked his eyes helplessly in agreement. He then picked up the video call invitation from mother Lei.


As soon as the call went through, Mama Lei's face appeared on the other end!

"Mom ..."

The moment the video call was connected, Lin Hanxing had already hidden all his weaknesses and smiled.

"My heart's been pounding the whole day, are you alright?"

As soon as she finished speaking, mother Lei spat three times in a row, afraid that she would make her precious daughter-in-law frown!

The smile on Lin Hanxing's face instantly froze, and his heart felt numb.

"Ah Xiao and I are fine."

Lin Hanxing emphasized again as if he was afraid that mother Lei would not believe him.