Take her away

Gong Chen's heavy breathing was particularly clear in the dark.

Song Chenxi, who had regained her senses, struggled with all her might, but Gong Chen's arms were tightening around her.

"Do you love me?"

The lightning fell along with the Thunder, illuminating song Chenxi's suddenly contracted pupils.

For them to say such things now ...

What was the point?

Song Chenxi's lips opened and closed several times, but no sound came out.

Outside the door, song Zhiyun's voice sounded more and more like a plea, as if he was determined to get Gong Chen's response or he wouldn't give up.

Everything came to an abrupt end the moment the lights came back on.

The sudden bright light made the two people in the dark subconsciously close their eyes.

Song Chenxi kept all her expressions.

Gong Chen, who didn't receive any response, felt an emptiness in his heart.

"Take her away."