Breaking into the gong family

At the gong Corporation.

For the elites working at the gong Corporation, today was no different from any other working day. Everyone was busy.

However, this image was quickly broken.

The magnificent Plaza of the corporation suddenly became restless.

The team of more than 20 Black luxury commercial vehicles stopped at the Fountain Square in front of the gong Corporation at the same time. The security Department of the gong Corporation was on high alert when they saw the scene!

They hurriedly sent more manpower through the radio.

No one knew what had happened, but from the looks of it ...

Why did it feel like they were here with ill intentions?

Soon, the door of the leading car was opened, and a pair of thin white legs landed first.

Then, an expressionless face came into everyone's view.

&Quot; get someone to block the front and back doors. From now on, no one is allowed to leave the gong Corporation without my orders! &Quot;