
Two weeks later.

Xuelan province's Tongxin hospital.

The door of the intensive care unit was carefully pushed open from the outside.

A doctor wearing a mask and a white coat walked in. His eyes under his glasses flashed with a strange cold light, and there was an invisible ruthlessness.

He looked at the bump on the bed and sneered under the mask.

He took his hand out of the pocket of his white coat, and the fluorescent blue liquid in the syringe looked particularly strange.

He quietly came to the bedside.

As long as he injected it into the infusion bag, he would have 20 million dollars in his hands.

"I advise you not to do that."

Just as the other party thought that victory was in his grasp, a bone-chilling voice suddenly came from behind him, instantly shocking him!

When did the person behind me arrive?

He actually didn't feel it at all?