I am not happy

Following closely behind them, everyone who was originally in the car got out of the car in unison.

They were all dressed in black suits.

The moment the car doors closed, the uniform movements and sounds made the audience's hearts tremble!

"How dare you people from Hua Ji come to the Hong gang's territory and cause trouble!"

Bar Street had always been the Hong gang's territory, not to mention that their little hall Master was present today. Naturally, they had many brothers. At this moment, they had gathered together and were clamoring.

Lin Hanxing looked at the person who spoke.

His eyes were cold and emotionless, as if he was looking at a dead object.

"Zuo Xiangdong, call the brothers from Hua Ji."

Although he was talking to Zuo Xiangdong, Lin Hanxing's eyes did not move away from the Hong gang.

She smiled ambiguously, but the smile did not reach her eyes.

Zuo Xiangdong did not know what was going on, but he still followed Lin Hanxing's instructions.