Shut up

As if they had been summoned, the originally dazed young men spread out to the sides like a tide.

Make way for the middle path.

At the end of the blazing light, the person who spoke slowly walked over.

Although there was a smile on his face, it was as if winter was coming.

There was complete silence.

Her high heels stepped on the floor, and every step seemed to be able to break ice in people's hearts.

"I'll be waiting for you to burn down our Li family's Gate!"

Lin Hanxing looked down at the young Hall Master, who was sitting on the sofa in the private area in a daze with his arms around his waist. His voice was soft, but his dark eyes were filled with anger and daggers.

Thump. Thump.

The young Hall master's Adam's apple bobbed up and down.

Since he had already said so much, what else did he not understand about this person in front of him?