A big move

An escort car with the logo of country G's most well-known security company entered the crowd's sight.

As everyone knew, the company's minimum quota for escorting goods started from 80 million. Even if the quota was enough, it still depended on whether the company had the time.

That's right, he was that cold!

But even so, there was still an endless stream of customers who asked this company to escort them. After all, since the opening of the company, the zero failure rate was displayed here. Who wouldn't be tempted?

The van slowly came to a stop at the entrance of the corporation.

The moment the door opened, the escort personnel, who were legally equipped with loaded guns, came down. Their sharp eyes scanned every entrance and exit of the main road. After a long while, they made a gesture to the Lei group's security guards.

The Lei corporation's security guards quickly cooperated and separated the reporters, making way for them.