So impatient

The next day.

It was just past 9:30 am.

After the internal struggle, the song group made an official announcement in both English and Chinese on the official media platforms!

According to the content, the song family would cut off all cooperation with the senanda family from today onwards.

Only the heavens knew that the interests of the song family and the senanda family had involved all major fields in country G, such as clothing, food, housing, transportation, agriculture, commerce, and so on. The scope and influence were so great that it was beyond everyone's imagination!

At that moment, the entire senanda family was in a state of shock and anger!

"Good! Very good!"

The head of the senanda family had a sinister look in his eyes.

Song Chenxi was such a courageous person who cut off her losses and burned her boats!

"This B * tch actually dared to!"