Four identities

"It's just an advertisement ..."

There was a hint of disdain in farrick's arrogant expression. Even the second Princess Consort followed his gaze and snorted coldly.

In the open-air banquet hall, there were a few socialites who had dyed their long hair white.

It was extremely eye-catching!

Wasn't it because the Lei corporation's advertisement had gone viral all over the world? She did not know where so many brainless fans had come from, but all of them had dyed their hair white, as if they could step into the fashion industry with one foot.


Seeing this scene, the second Princess Consort felt even more unbalanced!

Only God knew how much the Lei Corporation had earned from this advertisement! Just the sales that started at midnight on the day of the advertisement broke the record of cosmetic sales in the past 40 years at the fastest speed.