There are no eternal enemies

The royal family of Rou city.

The confidant reported in fear, occasionally peeking at his wangfei's expression from the corner of his eye.

The atmosphere was suffocating.

No one would have thought that the once glorious senanda family backed by the two princesses would withdraw from the stage of history in such a disgraceful way. Was Lin xiaojiu really that powerful?

A loud bang pulled his confidant back to reality.

He was so frightened that his entire body trembled and he hurriedly lowered his head.

The shattered pieces of the porcelain cup on the ground made it impossible to tell that it had once been expensive.

The beautiful face of the second consort of Rou city, Daisy, was twisted.


When the second Prince Johor walked in from outside, he saw this scene. He sighed, and a steady smile hung on his gentle and elegant face. His eyes indicated for his confidant to leave.

The confidant heaved a sigh of relief and quickly left.