Aunt Qin

On the way.

The scenery outside the car window moved quickly.

The light fell on Lin Hanxing's frosty and delicate face, and his eyes were clear.

"What are you thinking about?"

Lei Xiao's powerful palm covered the back of her hand, and Lin Hanxing grabbed it in return, their fingers intertwined.

The warmth spread between their fingers.

"I'm afraid that there will be changes in Heng Sheng."

Lin Hanxing confessed his worries, his hands unconsciously playing with Lei Xiao's fingers.

"When did the word" fear "appear in our Hanxing's dictionary?"

Lei Xiao's face was immersed in the light and shadow, his deep-set facial features unconsciously exuding a mature male charm, just like when Lin Hanxing first met him.

Lin Hanxing laughed when he heard the teasing in his words.

"It started when I met a man called 'Thunder valiant'."

After she finished speaking, she naturally leaned forward, rubbed the tip of her nose against Lei Xiao, and blinked.