One after another

Obviously, this was not within his plan.

However, just as sinbu senanda finished his sentence, a second bullet appeared out of nowhere and shot through his cheek. It disappeared into the darkness, leaving only the sound of the shell falling to the ground.

Sinbu senanda's face immediately started to bleed.

"Ah ..."

The second Princess Consort's beautiful eyes were filled with panic, and she subconsciously wanted to find a place to hide. The other subordinates with loaded guns looked around in a panic. Everyone was looking for the source of the killing intent, but they found nothing.

Zhan Nanheng's bloodied hand trembled as he reached out to Lin Hanxing. Lin Hanxing held it without any hesitation.

Blood stained their fingers.

"I ..."

As soon as he started speaking, blood gushed out of Zhan Nanheng's mouth, soaking his entire mouth and chin.
