I Don't Want to Get Married

When Lin Hui approached, she threw herself directly into Tang Shengze's arms. Her little body trembled, and her voice sounded aggrieved. "Dad… I don't want to get married. I don't want to."

Tang Shengze looked at his daughter in distress. "What on earth happened?"

"I… I dare not say."

"Tell me." Tang Shengze lowered his voice; it was laced with thin anger.

Lin Hui was shocked when she saw this scene. Did the girl eat the wrong medicine?!

Didn't she agree to come in through the back door?

Lin Hui hurried over and wanted to pull her hand, but Tang Yaoyao hid deeper in Tang Shengze's arms.

Frowning, Tang Shengze looked down at her. "Were you bullied by someone?"

Pretending to be distressed, Lin Hui cried, "Yaoyao, how could you stay out overnight? Do you know how much we worried about you? Were you wronged at the bar? Tell me. As your mom, I'll punish the bad man."


She purposely included the words "bar" and "bad man".

Wasn't she changing the direction of the story, and telling her father that she had asked for it by fooling around with a wild man outside?

Tang Yaoyao's beautiful and innocent eyes were covered with mist. "Mom, can I not marry Xiao Jinhan?"

Upon hearing this, Tang Shengze was stunned.

Having been in the business for decades, how could he not know who Xiao Jinhan was?

Lin Hui was only stunned for a moment. She couldn't let Old Tang know about this matter. "Okay, don't be afraid. Come with me to the bedroom."

She pulled her up.

Tang Yaoyao took a step back, and then handed her the agreement from inside her bag.

Holding back her tears, Tang Yaoyao cried in an aggrieved but innocent voice, "You said to introduce me to the director… That director gave me an agreement… I had to undergo a medical examination, but I was so afraid that I ran out. The above… the above party is Xiao Jinhan… Mom, did I go to the wrong room?"

Tang Yaoyao left room for leeway, looking innocent and frightened, and she was even speaking for her mother.

But imperceptibly, she was pushing Lin Hui into a dangerous situation.

Lin Hui was shocked to hear this. She was speechless for a while before she grabbed the agreement. "Let me see."

However, Tang Shengze stepped forward and intercepted the paper.

Lin Hui's face suddenly turned extremely pale.

Tang Shengze was furious after reading the content. The agreement wrote clearly that as long as she passed the medical examination, she would be Xiao Jinhan's wife, and would be given a large amount of wages. But if she failed?

The consequences could have been disastrous.

This was all a trade.

He glared at Lin Hui. "Explain clearly to me, what is this?"

Lin Hui froze, and then slowly went along with Tang Yaoyao's words. "Actually, I was just thinking, Yaoyao has been immersed in her career's downturn, and she was about to be depressed. I wanted her to meet the director and kick-start her career again. Maybe it would be better that way. Who knew that she would encounter such a thing."

"Was that the case?"

Tang Yaoyao's eyes were chilly in their depths. What she purposely pointed out was that she didn't know that this was a conspiracy. She was removing all blame from herself.

"Dad, maybe Mom was thinking that Sister is going to audition for Fox Fairy soon, and needs a capital investment. The possibility of getting the role is greater… Fourth Master Xiao is in the entertainment circle… He's very powerful. Maybe she wanted me to step out of my previous shadows and help Sister."

Tang Yaoyao finished speaking, and saw that Tang Shengze's face was completely black and full of anger.

Lin Hui stared at Tang Yaoyao in shock. Although it sounded as though she was praising her for being a good mother, when she listened carefully, the meaning between the lines was that she had sold her daughter for glory.

"Lin Hui, what did you think our daughter was?"

"I… I…"

"Dad, Mom, Xiao Yao." At the critical moment, Tang Yujiao came out, looking sleepy and a little confused.

When she saw Tang Yaoyao's appearance, she suddenly returned to her senses and frowned tightly. "Xiao Yao, what happened to you?"