It's Over For You

Tang Yaoyao answered, "You'll know tomorrow."

Su Mei didn't ask further.

After she hung up the phone, Tang Yaoyao received a text from Su Mei. There were two numbers in the text.

Her lips curled into a smile. As she looked at the traffic, her smile became more enchanting.

Xiao Jinhan, may I make use of you?

On the second day.

There were two news articles that shocked the entertainment industry. They made the headlines first thing in the morning.

#Xiao Jinhan bought over Dingsheng for Tang Yaoyao#

#Xiao Jinhan secretly met Tang Yaoyao in the meeting room after the audition#

However, Tang Yaoyao was sleeping through all the ruckus.

That was until a phone call woke her up.

She got up lazily and answered without opening her eyes. "Hello."

"Tang Yaoyao… It's over for you!" Su Mei was close to tears.