This was too dangerous! But also exciting!

Su Mei rubbed her eyes to confirm that she wasn't seeing things. The woman before her really was Tang Yaoyao.

Tang Yaoyao approached her, and twirled a stray strand of hair seductively. "Where's Chairman Peng?"

"In the office. He's fuming right now," Su Mei said cautiously.

"Come up with me."

"Are you sure about this?" Su Mei recalled how Peng Xingyun looked when he lost his cool just now. She was afraid that Tang Yaoyao would be skinned alive if she showed herself now.

Tang Yaoyao looked at Su Mei's leg in the cast. It seemed like Su Mei was really doing her best.

She pressed the elevator button, and dragged Su Mei in with her.

Su Mei had so many questions, but as she looked at Tang Yaoyao's pretty little face, she couldn't bring herself to ask them.

She wasn't sure if her gut feeling was wrong, but she felt as if Tang Yaoyao was very confident that things would go her way.


The elevator reached the 29th floor.