Forced to Marry him (1)

Although she didn't know why the room Secretary Su had brought her to had become Pei Munian's room, she would let this incident rot in her stomach and not let anybody, especially her Grandpa, find out about this.

If Grandpa knew about this, he wouldn't let the matter drop so easily because of who Pei Munian is and his background. He might even use this incident to obtain some benefit for the company. I could never ever let him do that.

As she thought about this, Su Wanwan's face grew solemn. Her gaze as she looked at Xiao Mei was extremely stern and her tone became a little harsher as she said, "If anything about today's affair reaches Grandpa's ears, then you can hand in your resignation letter."

Shuddering uncontrollably, Xiao Mei hurriedly answered, "I understand, Sister Wanwan!"