why did you help her (12)

It was such a gentle and sweet voice, but it said such cold and heartless words. Xi Zhiwei was originally just sobbing softly, but now she burst into tears.

PEI Munian did not seem to hear him and hung up the phone without hesitation.

When Xi Zhiwei heard the beeping sound in her ear, she cried even louder. She even angrily threw her phone to the ground.

That day, su Wan also slapped her. He didn't mention it. Every word he said was to protect su Wan. Everything she did was for him, but he still said such terrible things to her in the end.

From the moment he promised her brother that he would take good care of her in the future and not let her suffer grievances, he had always been very good to her. He had always been her alone, but since su Wanwan appeared, he changed. Everything changed.