A fight at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed (9)

Just as Xi Zhiwei's lips were about to touch PEI Munian's, an alarm suddenly sounded outside. Xi Zhiwei was stunned and her eyes were filled with confusion.

Why did the alarm go off? Could something have happened outside?

Vaguely, Xi Zhiwei heard a commotion outside the door. She could only straighten her body, stand up, and walk towards the door, planning to go out and see what was going on.

After the alarm sounded, people kept opening the door and coming out, asking what happened. Suddenly, the entire corridor was in a mess. Su Wanwan looked at each one of them, trying to find out which room Xi Zhiwei and PEI Munian were in. Finally, she saw Xi Zhiwei in the crowd.

She opened the door of the room in the middle and walked out. She looked around, as if she wanted to know what had happened. However, she did not see PEI Munian. PEI Munian was still in the room and had not come out.