Walking on thin ice in happiness (7)

Su Wanwan entered the bathroom, pushed open the door of a cubicle, and vomited into the toilet bowl.

Xi Zhiwei had just pushed open the bathroom door when she heard the sound of su Wanwan vomiting. Her heart suddenly thumped and the uneasiness in her heart grew bigger and bigger.

Su Wanwan vomited for a while before the feeling of nausea slowly subsided. She stood up straight while supporting herself against the wall, took a breath, pressed the flush button, opened the door and walked out.

Xi Zhiwei quickly ran into a cubicle.

Su Wanwan walked to the sink, turned on the tap, and gargled. She then filled her hands with water and gently patted them on her cheeks.

The coolness invaded and su Wanwan's muddled brain recovered some clarity, but her body was still uncomfortable. Her heart patted her chest, she took a few deep breaths and forced herself to be alert.