When the dream shattered (8)

"Miss su Wanwan, you fled like this, is it because your lie was exposed?"

"Miss su Wanwan, as a girl, how can you disregard your reputation and create such a scandal? Isn't that a little too unscrupulous?"

"Miss su Wanwan, say a few words and respond!"

Su Wanwan supported Su Zhenhua and walked with difficulty. However, the group of Wolf-like reporters forced su Wanwan to speak and didn't give her a chance to leave.

Su Wanwan's face was getting paler and paler. The light refracted down, making her face as pale as paper. She grasped her grandfather's hand tightly and restrained the choking of her voice. I have nothing to say. Move away, all of you move away.

How could the reporters be willing to let her go? the encirclement became smaller and smaller, and they pressed closer and closer. Their words were also sharper and sharper.