I would rather you hate me (2)

The room was very dark and only the silver moonlight poured in through the floor-to-ceiling window. The man walked to the bed step by step. He gently sat down and, with the help of the moonlight, looked at the sleeping su Wanwan.

She was curled up and did not sleep well. She did not know if it was because of the headache or the nightmare, but there was a thin layer of sweat on her forehead. Her delicate brows were tightly furrowed, forming a small peak.

The man's hand touched su Wan's face, his fingers gently rubbing. People say that pregnant women will be fatter, but she is getting thinner and thinner. There is almost no meat on her face and her chin is pointed.

He looked at her quietly, his eyes a little sour and red. He raised his hand, moved it down, and slowly fell on su Wanwan's lower abdomen. The bottom of his eyes gradually became wet.