You've won (2)

Assistant Wu's mind was still in a daze. The words had not even gone through her mind before she blurted out, " then, Yueyue, boss PEI, aren't you going to accompany young Madam? "

At this time, was he going to leave young Madam alone?

PEI Munian's eyes were slightly dazed. She suddenly smiled bitterly. if I don't accompany her, I won't be able to be ruthless if I do.

Assistant Wu only snapped out of his daze after PEI Munian had left for a long time. This was the first time he had seen Big Boss like this after working for him for so long. He couldn't suppress his sorrow. Indeed, he must have felt terrible for Wanwan to make such a cruel decision. Unfortunately, the young Madam didn't know anything about Wanwan.
