Making do in bed (14)

From the moment she opened her eyes, the first person she saw was niannian. During this period of time, the person who accompanied her was also niannian. She could deeply feel his good treatment and feelings for her. It was not fake.

PEI Munian was the person she was closest to and trusted the most. That man, on the other hand, was just a stranger who had appeared out of nowhere. She could not remember him and knew nothing about him, so why should she listen to him? What if he deliberately said something to lie to her?

That's right, the books said that she shouldn't trust strangers so easily. She didn't remember if she knew him before, but now, he was a stranger to her, so she had to learn to be vigilant.

sleep, sleep, don't think about anything else!

Su Wanwan closed her eyes and tried hard to hypnotize herself. She tried hard to empty her mind and let herself fall asleep.